Connected Hearts

Toshy’s artwork showcases his distinctive connecting heart icon. This heart symbol features an arrow originating at the heart’s center and extending outward to the right, symbolizing a profound message of connecting one’s heart with the hearts of unknown individuals.
The connecting hearts represent a simple yet powerful act of reaching out to others, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and recognizing people who might otherwise remain strangers. It’s a visual testament to the idea of offering a friendly “good morning” to unfamiliar faces on the street, a small gesture that can illuminate someone’s day and foster connections between people.
This artwork is intimately tied to Toshy’s “Love Now” connecting hearts project, a global endeavor that involves the artist’s travels around the world, distributing Love Now artworks to unknown individuals. Through his art and the message it carries, Toshy connects people and encourages them to see one another. To date, more than 1750 people worldwide possess a Love Now artwork, symbolizing the expansion of this movement.
This larger canvas of connecting hearts vividly portrays the growth and resonance of the Love Now movement. It serves as a testament to the power of art to unite and bridge the gaps between individuals, inviting viewers to participate in a global initiative that brings people together through love and connection.

Size cm: 80 x 80
Size inch: 31.49 x 31.49
Range: 1/1

Year 2022



Connected Hearts


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